At this time of year we all set ourselves up for failure by making resolutions we know will be broken before the printer stops humming (if they even make it that far.)
This year I am making resolutions that ensure success. Feel free to copy these for yourself.
Be it resolved that in 2013 I will:
1) Think about the number of calories in that hunk of fudge (you may substitute any other fattening noun) as I stuff it in my mouth.
2) Mentally do12 jumping jacks as I pass by the gym.
3) Place a bowl of plastic fruit on the dinning table to remind me I should eat healthy.
4) Do more walking by making my shopping list in random order rather than organized by the lay out of Wal-Mart . (I heard really efficient shoppers can get in and out of Wal-Mart in less than 3 hours).
5) Increase my reading speed by grabbing a copy of National Enquirer in the check-out line and see how far I can read before the cashier is finished.
6) Carry 5 bags of groceries at a time from the car to the kitchen to increase arm strength.
7) Spray Aqua Net on all mirrors to erase facial wrinkles.
8) Tear out all the size tags in my clothes. Ignorance is bliss.
9) Eat whatever someone else is willing to cook for me.
and finally
10) Laugh out loud every day, even if it is at the guy in the next lane.
With these resolutions I am sure 2013 will be a wonderful year.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Going to the Dogs, The Real Scoop
By Jody
All rights
reserved for Christmas Past
It was time
to take the seven-year-old and the tween ager to do their annual Christmas
shopping or I guess now it would be called Christmas gifting. The difference this year is that they have
their own money as a result of some very hard working chickens and one lazy
rooster. They have mastered the income
part but haven’t quite got a handle on overhead expenses which ain’t exactly
chicken feed. Well it is but the price
of chicken feed makes for some very expensive eggs.
My job was
to be chauffer and gifting consultant as needed. When we arrived at…wait for it…Wal-Mart…they
immediately headed for the toy aisle. As
they calculated their combined income to see how much they would have left for
themselves once all others had been “gifted” I perused the array of toys.
Besides the
usual array of baby dolls, Candy Land, checkers, and bikes, there seemed to be
other toys that would have given me nightmares had Santa dropped them down my
chimney. There was a game where you
arranged realistic spongy brains into some kind of skull. There was a kit for making totally ghoulish
edible intestines, livers, and other assorted body parts guaranteed to make you
scream in sour delight. G.I. Joe was tucked in the corner of the aisle completely surrounded and overwhelmed with alien beings spouting several heads, spikes, and assorted eyes. Bey Blades, which I mistakenly called Gay Blades, are the new spinning tops. These, however, were battling tops complete with pistol launchers and glorified expensive plastic dishpans that serve as combat arenas.
scream in sour delight. G.I. Joe was tucked in the corner of the aisle completely surrounded and overwhelmed with alien beings spouting several heads, spikes, and assorted eyes. Bey Blades, which I mistakenly called Gay Blades, are the new spinning tops. These, however, were battling tops complete with pistol launchers and glorified expensive plastic dishpans that serve as combat arenas.
From the
next aisle over, I heard squeals of delight. “Here it is!” “Just like on TV”. The object of their excitement was the Doggie
Doo toy. Evidently you feed this plastic
wiener dog colored food, and then pull its leash thus “walking” it until the
inner mechanisms maneuver the food from one end of the dog to the other where
it comes out as poop. Color coded
shovels were included to scoop the color coded poop. Now these are the same two kids who will only
walk their real life dog under threat of total electronic shut down. And forget about scooping anything!
Now granted, my older children had a Baby
Alive when they were young. You could
feed the baby special baby food that came with it and over time, gravity and two size C batteries not included
would create a poopy diaper for the little mommy to clean up. I should have known this was going to be a
forerunner of the Doggie Doo toy when, as they got older, they diluted the baby
food and created life like throw-up and diarrhea.
The Doggie
Doo toy reminded them to rush to the Pet Aisle in search of a gift for Tia Mia,
also known as Miss Buffington, Kiwi, and other assorted names depending on who has
to walk her. They spent a good hour there searching for just the right toy for
her amusement and the right Christmas outfit for her to wear when somebody else
is walking her.
“What about
the people on your list? I mean the
people besides yourselves, like parents.”
“Well, you’ve
got everything at Wal-Mart already. “
Ok, that’s semi-true. “But what about sharing?”
know. You can play Doggie Doo with us. You can even have the red scoop and all the
red poop.”
“That is
very thoughtful. I’ll meet you at the
check-out counter. I have to stop by the CD area for another present.”
I’m sure the children will enjoy “Barking
Jingle Bells” It’s such a canine hit
Merry Christmas
and Happy Holidays.
Baby Alive,
Barking Jingle Bells,
Bey Blades,
Candy Land,
Doggie Doo,
G.I. Joe,
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The TALK, Part One, the Female
By Jody Worsham
All rights reserved
to purchase a Man Cave.
There comes
a time in every family when the adult sits down with the child to have “The
Talk.” The parent will stall as long as
possible, seeking advice from books, fellow parents, and Dr. Phil, but
eventually the parent and child must have “The Talk”. In our home it began with Dad and the age appropriate
child. It went something like this.
Dad: Son, you may have noticed that Mom is
different from us. She is a female. Females are different from males. We are not the same. We have different priorities, needs.
For example,
I need the pile of papers on my desk to remain just that, a pile of papers on
my desk. For a long time when you would
drop your winter coat by the door in December, it would magically get hung back up by Mom,
forcing you to ask her where your coat is. Twice a year, spring and early fall,
you have seen Mom go into a cleaning frenzy, screaming and threatening to hold
all clothing, toys, games, electronics, and piles of paper hostage for the rest of your life if left
scattered about . Now that you are of
that age, my advice to you is to just lay low.
It will blow over in a couple of weeks.
think differently from men. Females are
long range planners and they can see far, far, far into the future. Remember when you came home with a C
in Beginning Play Dough? I said “Humph”
and continued watching the football game.
Your Mom, on the other hand said “C,
a C? You made a C? Well, no more Sesame Street
for you. This is just awful. What’s next?
C’s in Legos? Do you think second grade is going to be easy? Do you think Harvard takes C students? I can
see it all now. You will end up in community college and then what? Transfer to an online university? You will be taking remedial courses because
you failed to challenge yourself in Beginning Play Dough and you’ll meet
another remedial Play Dough person and you will get married, have children
right away and never finish your degree.
You will become a stocker at Wal-Mart and they will schedule you to work
every Black Friday and your wife and children will weep and wring their hands
for fear you will be mobbed guarding the four available My Little Kitchens from
rabid early shoppers! A C, a C! My brilliant child made a C in Beginning Play
For a
female, food equals calories. When the
female goes on a diet, everybody goes on a diet. Start stock piling chips, dip,
hot dogs and chocolate now before spring and the ads for bathing suits
appear. And never ever answer the question
“Does this make me look fat?” There is
no correct answer. Pretend to be deaf,
change the subject, ask if you can do the dishes; anything to throw her off.
I am printing
out this talk for you. Before you decide
to bring one home to keep, read this again.
Mom is a female, whom I love, but she is different from us. Remember that.
Black Friday,
Dr. Phil,
hot dogs,
play dough,
Friday, December 7, 2012
The Shopper Who Came in to the Cold!
By Jody Worsham
I have renamed Black Friday.
I am now calling it Blue Thursday.
Why, you may ask, as I am sure you are, so I shall tell you. I’ll tell you even if you did not ask.
This was the year I introduced the Tween-Ager to the
Thanksgiving shopping frenzy known as Black Friday only this year it started on
Thursday. We had finished our
Thanksgiving dinner and it was truly a thanksgiving because I did not cook. We
prepared for battle: store floor plans
for location of all sale items, cell phones charged and ready, snack crackers,
gum and water bottle in large purse, store flyers with high priority items
circled, and final trip to the bathroom.
I explained that when it comes to Black Friday shopping, it’s every man,
woman, and child for himself. She must
plant her feet, stand firm and under no circumstances relinquish her hold on
any wanted item. We were ready.
We said good-by to our loved ones and left for Wal-Mart, our
first stop. We were able to secure a good parking place close to the door as we
were two and a half hours early for the first event. This also enabled us to canvas the store and
locate the TV and trampoline lines and to sneak a peek under the black plastic
wrapped crates for the “good stuff”. At
six-thirty the tween-ager took up her position in the TV line located next to
the refrigerated beer and wine. She was
number eight in line for the sale that would start at 10 p.m. I took up my position in the trampoline line
which began between the frozen meet aisle and the frozen corny dog bins. After the
first hour, I realized we had made a serious tactical error in our battle
preparations. No jackets. My “event” would begin at 8 p.m. I promised to relieve the tween-ager as soon
as I got the trampoline but she was not to leave her position.
By 7:45 p.m. I was freezing from having stood next to the frozen
chickens for so long. The tween-ager
called to say she was also freezing, could I get her some hot chocolate. At 7:48 my heretofore dormant teacher “fight’s
about to start” antenna started to vibrate. The noise rose and the first fight began on
aisle three. I left my position to make
sure the tween-ager was not in harm’s way.
I explained it was just a fight over 700 thread count sheets. “Sheets!
They’re fighting over sheets? I
want to go see.” “No, maintain your
position” and I sneezed and returned to the freezer line.
At eight o’clock I got the trampoline certificate, and then
went to relieve the tween-ager. Over the
course of the next two hours we became friendly with the other people in line;
some were friendlier than others due to the dwindling supply of Bud-Lite that
had previously been in the refrigerator section when the line first formed. We got reports from other shoppers of people shoving,
pushing, elbowing their way to snatch an X-box and that was just the senior
citizens. I did notice that there weren’t
any of the motorized shopping carts for the handicapped. I guess Wal-Mart feared hit and runs.
Shivering and sneezing we left Wal-Mart at eleven o’clock
with our TV, trampoline, and a buggy full of things we didn’t know we had to
“This is great,” said the Tween-ager, “what are we going to
do before the next store opens at mid-night?”
“Get warm!”
Black Friday,
Friday, November 16, 2012
A Bird on the Desk is Worth....?
By Jody
Worsham , grinsandgroans ( at)
All rights
reserved for Big Bird
During the
course of my half century married to biologist turned kineseologist Dr. Hubby,
I have come to expect unexpected guests in our home, backyard, and even the
bathtub. One of his undergraduate
projects included trapping a nutria, rendering him dead, and plopping him in my
freezer until it was ready for skinning.
A note on the refrigerator would have prevented an early morning warning
scream that sent the neighbors into their storm cellars.
Then there
was the time he returned home late from calling a basketball game in a nearby
town. Two chickens had fallen off the
Pilgrim’s Pride truck that was hauling them to the chicken processing plant. The hens were wandering along the side of the
road in the rain. He rescued them and brought them home. With no readily available chicken coop, he put
them in out bathtub. Again no note to
alert me to the fact that we had guests in the bathtub. He did very thoughtfully, however, hypnotized
the chickens (he can really do this) so that they would be still and quiet so
as not to awaken me during the night.
The next morning the neighbors again headed for their storm cellars as
the early warning signal sounded.
Our next
guest came from Lake Sam Rayburn. Dr.
Hubby’s day fishing trip had lasted longer than expected so I was already
asleep when he got home. Not wanting to return home empty handed without
a string of bass or perch, he brought home what he had caught.. live… and put
it in the kitchen sink. I now know
grinnels are about as close to a prehistoric fish as you can find in North
America. Again no note.
In the morning when I went into the kitchen to make coffee, I activated the
early warning scream. This time the
neighbors called before heading for their storm cellars.
So I was not
surprised when the Tween-ager and the seven-year-old came to the house from the
Trump Chicken Condos carrying our next house guest. It seems that one of the recently added
twenty-four chicks was being picked on by the other chicks. She was literally the butt of their beaks. Since she was missing several tail feathers,
nothing would do but separate her from the other birds. So our next guest found herself in a
cardboard box on the desk in the playroom.
My writing
lamp was whisked off my desk to provide warmth for the chick. My ceramic ramekins became the perfect sized
feeder and water bowl for this bird.
Today’s newspaper, still unread, became lining for the box. The shi tzu was not a hospitable hostess and
let everyone know it. She upset the
chick so much that it decided to check out early. Dr. Hubby caught her in mid-flight just as he
came in the door. He didn’t look
surprised to see a baby chicken in a box on a desk in the playroom with my
reading lamp.
All he said
was “What? No note?”
Lake Sam Rayburn,
Pilgrim's Pride,
storm cellers,
Thursday, November 8, 2012
If the Shoe Fits...
By Jody
All rights
reserved for Dr. Scholl, podiatrists, chiropractors, and bunion pads for my friend
Wanda at
I say if the
shoe fits, buy it. If it feels sooo
comfortable, buy two pairs. If there is enough
room for your little piggies to do the Happy Dance, buy six pairs. If you feel like you are walking on clouds,
buy a dozen. If they happen to be
stylish…. what the heck, buy one more pair.
You will
note that I put stylish at the end of my list.
I know there are those who suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous
pointed toes and platform soles for the sake of fashion like my friend Wanda in
“The Land of” but I am not one of those. My philosophy is “No pain, Good Thang”.
The latest
fashion to assault women’s feet are those super high heels with one to two inch
or more platform soles. These shoes are
playing havoc with the world as we know it.
The driver’s license bureau is thinking of amending the height portion
to read “Height without platforms.” Insurance companies are hearing as an excuse
for accidents “I thought I was pressing the brakes. If felt like the brakes.” Instead of digging in their purses for
cellphones, they could be answering their shoe like Maxwell Smart. No
need for carry-on luggage; just pack your platforms. I suspect the chiropractors, podiatrists, and
bunion pad makers will see an increase in business over the next several
Given our current trends in government, you
can also expect new government regulations concerning footwear. Manufactures may have to include warning
labels on the shoe boxes: “ Warning: Wearing platform shoes may be hazardous to
your health. Wear at your own risk.” People wearing the shoes may be required to
wear a sign stating “Beware of possible falling body due to shoes. Maintain at least six foot radius at all
With all the inherent dangers, you might
expect them to be banned in California, but not so. Rhode Island, maybe. Hollywood, no.
know the value of a good fitting pair of toe shoes. Since no two pair ever fit the same, when a
good fit is found, they will wear them till they are in shreds and the bare toe
box is showing and then weep when they have to replace them.
I know how
they feel. I once had a pair of Nike
shoes that enabled me to walk fifteen New York long blocks with no
problem. They were my shoe of choice
whenever taking students to New York. They
became so worn I had to wrap duct tape around them. I am sure I am the one responsible for the
decorative duct tape and trend in teenagers today to decorate everything with duct
tape. However, my students were appalled
at their sponsor turned Broadway Bag Lady until we made the trek from the Plaza
Hotel to Macy’s Department Store. By the
time we got to Macy’s, they all headed for the shoe department.
I wish I had
bought sixty pairs of those shoes. They
stopped making them but I learned my lesson.
Now if I ever find a shoe that is close to being as comfortable as those
Nikes, that’s all you will ever see on my feet…at weddings, funerals, church,
the ball park, Wal-Mart, presidential inaugural balls... So be careful if you send me an invitation to
Beauty is in the sole of happy Feet,
so if the shoe fits buy several pairs.
Oh, and Wanda, your platform shoes are definitely
stylish and you do look good, , but my Nike clad feet can’t be beat!
Maxwell Smart,
shoe phone,
The Plaza Hotel
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Can a No-cook Cook Teach Two Cooks to Cook, if the No-cook Cook can't Cook?
By Jody
All rights
reserved in order to be adopted by Betty Crocker
Over the
past several years, we have all determined that I can’t cook. There are numerous fire reports, hospital
visits, and petrified casseroles posing as yard art to attest to that fact.
Now the big
question is (see title of this piece) can cooking be taught or is it
hereditary? It is the old nature versus
nurture, heredity versus environment debate.
I hold to the theory that good cooking is hereditary. My mother cannot cook, my grandmother could
not cook, and neither can I…hereditary.
To further support
my theory, I offer proof from the adopted seven-year-old and tween-ager. Both children entered the Spoon and Fork
Cooking Contest at our local library.
Why, you say, enter children in a cooking contest when the only
reference point they have for good food is school cafeteria food? To support my theory.
The children
each entered the appetizer and salad category for their age group. The seven-year-old entered Hot Wheels, a
cream cheese, picante sauce, pecan, jalapeno mixture rolled up in a flour tortilla,
cut into chunks, and an olive stuck in the center, run through with a
toothpick. It’s more of an assembly
thing than a cooking thing, but this was his first time out.
Tween-ager found a recipe for Sunflower Salad made with ramen noodles (cooked),
tomatoes, onion, cabbage, sunflower seeds, bacon bits, with a dressing of
sunflower oil, sugar, bacon bits, and vinegar.
Assemble, toss, refrigerate.
Ok, I was
smart enough to buy two of everything in case, you know, I helped her, whom I
did, and we had to do it again, which she did.
In all fairness, it was an honest mistake anybody could have made. I store my sugar and salt in separate clear
plastic canisters and maybe storing them side by side isn’t a good thing and
probably those who know how to cook would never do that, and yes, labeling
might have been a good idea, but I didn’t.
So the first salad, I like to call it the “practice salad”, was a bit
off and a whole lot saltier than it was supposed to be. In my defense, salt and sugar are both granulated,
white, and ok, I was in a hurry and gave her the wrong canister.
As a result,
I was banished from the kitchen. The
tween-ager finished the second salad on her own using sugar and without me
handing her anything.
I was
limited to setting “the stage” for their dishes, something I can do. For the
Hot Wheels appetizer, I cut out a racing track from black poster board and hot
glued it around the rim of the black serving platter. Then I hot glued two Hot Wheel racing cars to
the track. I typed the recipe onto card
stock and glued two plastic racing flags on to that. Hot Wheels was ready for
Sunflower Salad needed a silk sunflower in a recycled Starbuck’s mocha frappe
bottle. Her recipe was mounted onto
green, yellow, and red plaid wrapping paper backed by card stock and leaned
against the silk flower arrangement. A
sunflower cutout was used as a placemat for the salad bowl. I found a flower looking plastic bowl at
Dollar Tree. I added water to that and
froze it. The salad was placed in a
taller bowl and set inside the plastic bowl.
Her salad was supposed to be kept cold.
If the
children were influenced by environment, then I felt the judges would need
something attractive and interesting to look at while waiting for the
paramedics to arrive. Fortunately my
theory held. My adopted children,
because they are adopted, could not inherit my bad cooking gene and no
paramedics were summoned to the contest.
Dollar Tree,
Emeril Lagasse,
Julia Childs,
Paula Deen,
Ramen noodles,
Friday, October 26, 2012
Concerto for Can and Shoe Box
By Jody
All rights
reserved for ear plugs
My husband
was soon to celebrate his 72nd birthday.
The children were huddled up assembling the carrot birthday cake they
had decided to make for his birthday. The topic then turned to birthday
presents. The seven-year-old declared
presents weren’t necessary, “Because love is the best present… and that doesn’t
cost anything.” If he had just left off
that last part, I could have basked in the glow of superb parenting. The tween-ager, thinking more of her upcoming
birthday I’m sure, declared presents were an absolute must, but since I’m sure she was also thinking of her limited
cash flow from the Trump Chicken Condo business venture, she was thinking I
would have to provide the money for any gifts. From the office where Dr. Hubby was wading
through pages of credit card charges, I could hear rumblings and then very
clearly “No presents.
I can’t afford presents.”
“Well, you
can’t have a birthday party without some kind of present,” declared the
Tween-ager. I have always been a proponent
of giving something of yourself, something that cannot be bought or given by
anyone else. With this in mind, the
seven-year-old declared, “We will give him a concert.” Some of you may recall from past blogs the
Summer Concert for Plastic Barrel and Galvanized Pipe that lasted three hours
and caused dogs to howl and hearing aids to squeal. Since this did not require the Tween-ager to
delve into her egg money, she agreed. “A
concert is the perfect gift.”
they abandoned the carrot cake, leaving me to finish up. Since I had been paying for violin lessons
for three years and started the seven-year-old on guitar lessons this summer, I
foolishly assumed the concert would involve, you know, actual musical instruments….and
maybe a recognizable song or two. Ha!
“Where is an empty shoe box?”
“I can’t
find the rubber bands.”
“I need two
pencils that have not been sharpened.”
“Are you
going to use these empty cans for anything?
“What are
you guys up to? “
Who needs real drums when you have cans?”
“Multi-tasking. I’m checking out the science project on sound
and vibrations while making a shoe-box guitar.”
“We need
coke bottles filled with different levels of water. Not chemical bottles because you are going to
have to blow on them.”
While I
watched the cake and washed out coke bottles, rubber bands were stretched over
the shoe box and various sized cans became the Tween-ager’s version of steel
drums. Soon the “rehearsals” began. The seven-year-old strummed his “guitar”, the
Tween-ager kept the tin can beat going, and I blew till I was light headed.
A few
deafening minutes later, Dr. Hubby slipped me the credit card.
Birthday, Honey! Hope you like your presents.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Minus Quarter Pounder X 30 = Negative 8
By Jody Worsham
All rights reserved for MIT School of Weight s, Measures,
and Economics
No I have not had a brain transplant, although that might
not be a bad idea. And I haven’t been
struck by lightning that suddenly made it possible for me to do quantum
physics, calculus, or sixth grade math, but there has definitely been a change
in our lives. Let me explain.
For the past seven years I have made the twice daily trip
from our semi-thirty-five-acre-mini-plantation into town delivering and picking
up kids and passing Wal-Mart and McDonald’s a minimum of four times a day with
frequent stops at both places. Over this
period of time, the clearance aisles at Wal-Mart have slowly made their way to
our barn, the shop, and every closet in the house. Ballet,
gymnastics, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, violin lessons, church activities and a
tight schedule resulted in fast food becoming a necessity as it was too far to
go home and eat and get back in town in time for the next activity. Those quarter pounders, happy meals, and
caffeine/calorie loaded mocha frappes have found their way to my backside
resulting in double digit stretch jeans.
Our credit card statement required extra postage.
At the beginning of the school year our children enrolled in
a new school. It is the same distance
from our semi-plantation as their old school, but in the opposite
direction. In fact, there is nothing
between our house and the new school except pine trees and speed limit signs;
no gas stations, no McDonald’s, no Wal-Mart…not even a Dollar Tree.
Now, because I no longer pass by and stop at Wal-Mart’s two or three times a day, the
clearance items are now more equally available to people who only come to
Wal-Mart once or twice a week and our clearance aisle inventory is dwindling. Since time, distance, cost of speeding
tickets and gasoline have increased, we have dropped gymnastics, Girl Scouts,
and one set of ballet lessons.
The biggest change has come in the form of meals. McDonald’s does not deliver so we have had to
rely on my cooking. Since I am not the World’s Best Cook (I am,
however, in the running for Worst Cook Title) we have resorted to more natural
foods….bread, peanut butter, honey, apples, bananas…natural foods that require no
ovens or forgotten pots on the stove.
Also, because there are no longer four pages of credit card charges to
McDonald’s and Wal-Mart, our credit card statement covers only two pages and
one stamp.
And that, in a convoluted manner, leads us to the title of
this week’s post. During the first six
weeks of school minus Happy Meals, quarter pounders, and mocha frappes, I have
lost eight pounds. The credit card
people did call and asked if I had been ill or kidnapped.
I said, “Nope, just going in a different direction.”
Boy Scouts,
credit card,
Dollar Tree,
Girl Scouts,
Thursday, October 11, 2012
There's No Business like No-Business
By Jody Worsham
All rights reserved for non-writing lessons
The tween-ager seems to have grasped the fundamentals of
current 21st century American economics. If she continues developing such business acumen,
I can just imagine the conversation we will have when she is a teenager.
“Mom, I have a new idea for a business: The No Fish Fish
“But dear, starting a fish farm requires financial backing.”
“That’s ok. Because I
am under age 30 and female, I can qualify for a low cost business loan to get
started. Also, because my heritage
cannot be established, due to sealed court records, I might be part American
Indian, in which case I can qualify for all sorts of student grants to attend
school to learn about underwater no fish fish farming.”
“Yes, but you are still a tween-ager.”
“No problem. Age
discrimination is a federal offense. "
“Yes, but fish farming is such an unstable market. What if your fish go belly-up? Need I remind you of the gold fish incident
of a few years ago?”
“No need to worry. I
have studied my history. Remember that
program Cash for Clunkers? I figure
there will be another one like Cash for Crustaceans or Funding for Fish Flops
or Credit for Crappie.
“Yes, but…”
“And because I might be part Inuit, my ancestors could have
been denied their fishing rights due to great White Sharks so I would be
getting more money from the government.
Plus, don’t forget I am adopted.
During the adoption process in court, I was a ward of the state for approximately
twenty seconds so that should be good for more entitlements as I am sure I
suffered physical stress”
“You were a baby.”
“But I could have had a wet diaper and the State failed to
change me in a timely manner.
“For twenty seconds?”
And I’m not forgetting about you. You could help me a lot.”
“I could?”
“Yes. You are way over 60, you were a teacher so that puts you just above the poverty line, you are living on a fixed income with two children under the age of 18, and you started working before Title IX went into effect.”
Thinking I would get her to slip up, I asked “So how much
would you pay me to be a non-worker in your no-fish fish farm?”
“That depends on whether or not you left Louisiana because
of political persecution. If you did,
then the federal government will give me money to hire and train political refugees
to work in my non-business. You did spend a lot of time in Shreveport at the boats…
I mean on a boat…right? And they were
definitely against you, right?”
“I, uh, well…yes.”
“Perfect. I just need
you to do one thing for me.”
“Would you do my homework? I don’t have time. You know how the government is. I have a ton of paperwork to do for my No Fish Fish Farm. “
“Would you do my homework? I don’t have time. You know how the government is. I have a ton of paperwork to do for my No Fish Fish Farm. “
I used to worry about how she would manage as an adult, but
she will be fine. It’s America I’m worried about now. Is there such a thing as a Non Country?
Cash for Clunkers,
great white sharks,
Title IX
Friday, October 5, 2012
It isn’t a Faberge, but it could be!
By Jody Worsham
All rights reserved to explain the national debt
This all started with a business our tween-ager got for her
birthday; actually it was the promise of a business. Really it was to be a hands-on business
opportunity to explain how economics works and to provide her spending
money. Together we would build a chicken
pen, purchase some chickens, sell the eggs and make a fortune.
Our first mistake was purchasing 12 chickens on the
Clearance Aisle at the local feed store.
They were labeled as black and white speckled domineckers, the kind that
is featured on country style dish towels and wallpaper. After a month of living in the barn and
losing their cute yellow fuzz, none of them were black and white. They appeared
to be the illegitimate chicks of some Rhode Island Red and “a visiting rooster”.
Our second mistake was in underestimating the amount of
space they would need. As they grew, so
did the plans for the Trump Chicken Condos (see previous blog). Finally the TCC was ready for chickens.
All 12 chickens were transferred to Trump Condos. The tween-ager bought a clip board,
calculator, pens, and a ledger to keep track of expenses.
April 2….. 12
chickens @ $3 each $36
April 3….. l sack of chick starter $
April 17 2nd
sack of chick starter $8.50 $8.50
May 1 50 feet of
chicken wire, rafters, 24 2x4, tin, screws $489
May 2 3rd
sack of chick feed $9.00 $9.00
May 14 Expanded Trump
Chicken Condos, chain link, mortar, doors,
May 20 Additional feeder and waterer $25
June 1 Covered
antique brick porch, rafters, tin $289
June 2 4 bags chicken feed @ $10 $40
June 16 4 bags chicken feed @ $12 each $48
July 6 `5 bags
chicken feed @ $13 each $53
July 30 Discovers one
chicken is a rooster (don’t ask)
Aug. 1 Adjusts projected income based on a dozen eggs a day
to 11 eggs a day.
Aug. 2 Applies for Federal Disaster Relief based on loss of
365 eggs per year.
Aug. 3 Turned down as rooster is considered an asset capable
of producing more chickens
Aug. 4 Reapplies for projected Federal Disaster Relief as
future baby chicks could also be roosters.
Aug. 5 Turned down as
Federal Government does not discriminate based on sex, same or opposite
Aug. 6 Advertises
Rooster on E-bay.
Aug-Sept. 10 bags of
laying mash @$13 each
Sept. 11 The first egg laid at a cost of $1,740.50
Oct 24, 2077 Projected
date when business will show a profit
Sept. 12 Files for Chapter 11
Sept. 13 Federal Government authorizes a bail-out of
$2,984.00 based on number of persons who would be unemployed if her business
Sept. 14 Files suite against chicken hatchery for mis-sexed
Oct. 1 Punitive
damages of $3,894.22 awarded, lawyer takes half
Oct. 5 GOP pays $1,740.50
NOT to raise chickens in the future.
Oct. 6 Throws big
party serving Sunny Delight, deviled
eggs, and FRIED CHICKEN!
And that, my dear, is why America is in debt and no you can’t
start a gold fish farm!
Chapt. 11,
disaster relief,
Rhode Island Reds,
Friday, September 28, 2012
Which Came First...the Chicken or the Egg?
Which Came First…The Chicken or the Egg?
By Jody Worsham
Those of you who read my blog on a regular basis have come
to expect a certain amount of intellectual wisdom gained through years of
repeating the same mistakes over and over.
Some even look forward to the broad picture as seen through the
declining eyesight of a near septuagenarian.
Today I shall combine philosophy with architecture as a visual means to
enlighten those who can’t find their reading glasses.
First to address the age old question: which came first the chicken or the egg? The answer is not complex at all. The first
to come would be the chicken pen for without the chicken pen there would be no
chickens or eggs due to marauding critters. Just as civilizations are judged by the
architecture that is left behind, so can our civilization be judged by the
architecture of the chicken pen which, as I said before, had to come
first. Even city dwellers have begun to
have backyard chicken pens, also known as coops. Cages have been designed for apartment
dwellers. Following the philosophy that
free range chicken eggs are best, apartment dwellers have been encouraged to
turn their patio birds out to roam freely on the balcony for a few hours each
The ultimate evidence that bird architecture has been taken
to new heights is the Trump Chicken Condos also known as the TCC on the Worsham
35 acre semi-plantation in lovely downtown East Texas. The plan started out as a simple roof structure
enclosed with chicken wire over an existing concrete slab. Security questions came into play and chain
link fencing was added on top of the chicken wire. Recycled French doors to provide light along
the north wall and added a certain classic charm. Turned sideways, the doors
were raised to provide protection from
the wind and rain. The coop would need
to be wired for electricity so that a ceiling fan could be installed to provide
coolness in the summer and of course the pre-requisite radio to provide laying
The coop plan was
then expanded to include a covered outdoor area with a natural grassy space for
that free-range element. To live up to
Trump standards, a covered antique brick inlayed porch would allow for Gator
parking while unloading feed and lawn chairs for bird watching. Silver painted laying nests attached to a
wall with a private entrance for each chicken would give that chic loft living
feel. A large porthole would provide
easy access for the chicken and allow her to observe the rest of the community
while laying her egg in cedar and hickory scented sawdust.

If any of you are interested in investing in a Trump Chicken Condos or our lease-to-own
chickens , you may contact me at
There are a few condos still available
but they are going fast. Next week
Egg-onomics or the Faberge Knockoffs.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
When A Good Culture Goes Bad
By Jody
All rights
reserved to pay for Culinary Insurance
Recently I was following an actual recipe that
called for sour cream. I was in luck. I had some in the refrigerator. I know because two months ago when I was
cleaning out the refrigerator, I saw some.
Now at the insistence of my friends, my insurance company, and the
hospital staff at “Good Lord, She’s Cooking Again”, I have learned to consult
expiration dates on anything currently in my refrigerator that I, the family,
or any seemingly healthy wild animal might consume.
But here’s
the thing. When does Sour Cream go
bad? I mean the very name is a
contradiction …Sour…Cream. The carton
bore no expiration date, only a Sell by Date.
Is there an assumption that if the sour cream is not bought by a certain
date then it will what? Go sour? Or will it remain freshly sour
indefinitely? Do they assume that if
you buy it say after six months of being on the shelf, then you will use it
before the thing sits in your refrigerator for the next six months? Well, they don’t know me. Still…how do you know if it is safe to use?
Well, I
e-mail my friends and they reply, quickly.
One suggested that if the dog refuses to eat or bury it, it is probably
bad. Another thought that fuzzy
green/black stuff growing on the top would be a good indication to toss it. Still another loudly admonished me “IT’S
SOUR. IT’S SUPPOSED TO SMELL BAD.” My southern friends hold to the belief that
if you are going to cook with it, there is no statute of limitations on sour
cream. A more intellectual friend gave
me a long discourse on milk cultures, bacteria, the making of cheese, sour
cream, and the very cultured Elsie the Cow at the opera. I don’t think my Sour Cream is cultured. I caught it watching WW Wrestling while
sitting on my counter.
Still, I
didn’t want my insurance premiums going up again, so I decided to substitute
something else for the sour cream. I
went to the freezer. I figured the
electricity hadn’t been off that long during our last storm to cause any real
damage…or growths. I found a box of
Creamed Spinach. Ok, that’s cream and if
the electricity had been off a little longer than I had thought, that might
make it sour cream. I continued reading
the label, you know, just in case there was this limitation on thawed creamed spinach. As I read on I discovered that it was made
with artificial cream with a long list of totally unpronounceable additives and
other assorted chemicals.
Problem solved.
I continued following my recipe substituting
the artificial and chemically preserved creamed spinach for the questionable
sour cream. You can’t go wrong with USDA
approved preservatives and fake, possibly sour, cream.
After all, we are still eating those left over
Twinkies from my 1962 graduation party, but don’t tell Blue Cross.
Blue Cross,
Elsie the Cow,
sour cream,
Friday, September 14, 2012
And I Couldn't Wait for School to Start!
By Jody Worsham
All rights reserved for Geritol and orthopedic roller skates
The start of school must be like childbirth (or so I've heard.) When you have a strong desire for another child, you forget the morning sickness, mood swings, and the 96 hours of labor during which time you questioned the legitimacy of your husband's birth. How quickly we forget; and how quickly we remember.
3:30 a.m. I’m
awake. Might as well get up; it’s 5 o’clock
somewhere. Hey, it’s quiet. Time to write, after I put on a load of
6:00 Make lunches and breakfast, in that order
6:30 Get kids up, fed, dressed
7:20 Leave for school
8:05 Return home. Now
what? Oh, cleaning, cooking, reset smoke
detector, cooking again, Wal-Mart, laundry, errands.
1:00 Walk the I’ll –take-care-of-it-you-won’t-ever-have
–to-do-anything-for-it-please-please-Dog. Eat lunch; look on blogs for a much
needed laugh.
2:00 Pack snacks for after school
2:40 Leave to pick up
3-3:30 A blur of
snatched snacks, “Sign this”, “Here’s a note.
It wasn’t my fault.” “Look. I got one right!” “This is the (worst, best,
coolest, yukkiest) day of my life”.
3:31 Arrive home,
throw out uneaten portions of lunches, kids eat “hold me till supper, supper.”
3:36 Start on second grade homework with second grader
3:37 Call second grade teacher for explanation of math
4:35 Finish with
second grader, start on sixth grader.
4:36 Call sixth grade
math teacher for help.
6:30 Send starving
sixth grader to kitchen for supper while I Google algebra, composite numbers
7:31 Sixth grader informs you she needs map colors for map assignment
due at 8a.m.
7:32 Leave for Wal-Mart to purchase map colors.
8:15 Arrive home, make peanut butter and jelly sandwich for
starving second grader’s second supper, give map colors to sixth grader.
8:17 Send second grader to the showers, throw his
favorite-must-wear-tomorrow shirt and shorts in the washer. Rewash 3:30a.m. now dried and semi-sour
8:23 Call out spelling words to second grader while he is in
the shower.
8:30 Sixth grader starts on solar system cut and paste
8:31 Google recipe for homemade paste.
8:50 Hold the solar system up in the air to dry as wet naked
second grader runs through the house looking for a clean towel.
8:51 Dr. Hubby asks
“Need any help?”
8:52 Shotgun located,
now searching for shells.
8:59 Give up on locating shells, throw pajamas on now air
dried second grader and send him to bed.
9:10 Hand near dry
revolving solar system to sixth grader with instructions to pack backpack and
go to bed.
9:20 Eat five chocolate cupcakes with a Chocolate Tru-Moo
milk chaser.
9:30 Make more
chocolate cupcakes
9:45 Reset smoke detector.
10:00 Breathing near normal, blood pressure 278/167 down 89 points.
10:15 Shower, brush teeth, tell Dr. Hubby it is safe to
remove flak jacket.
11:00 Sleep
11:45 Jump up and put
the favorite-must –wear-tomorrow shirt and shorts in the dryer along with twice
washed 3:30 a.m. load
12:00 Sleep
3:30 a.m. REPEAT with
few variations.
I can do this. I can
do this. Only 175 school days until
summer! It's the most wonderful time of the year.
flak jacket,
map colors,
second grade,
sixth grade,
solar system,
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
It Was a Four Cupcake Night
By Jody
All rights
reserved for Math-a-Diabetic Counseling
The biggest
challenge in raising a prepubescent tweenager is not the hormonal fluctuations
that at times can register a 12 on the Richter Scale or dealing with the
tragedy of having to wear jeans that do not have slits and slashes in them or
even keeping track of all the BF’s (that’s text talk for Best Friend) that can
change hourly. It isn’t even raising a
child when there is a 57 year age difference.
No, the real challenge is helping with sixth grade homework.
And it isn’t
even helping with all homework. Cutting
and pasting the solar system on construction paper, I can handle that. I can outline Texas on the map so she can
color it with map colors for social studies.
Heck, I even know the shape of Rhode Island. When it comes to sentence structure, I can
definitely help with simple subject and predicate. But what sends me to the chocolate cupcakes
faster than a Jenny Craig drop-out is math.
it’s been 40 years since I was in a math class, but you’d think 2 +2 still
equals 4 but today’s
sixth graders are way beyond dealing with just plain numbers. They have PRIME numbers and COMPOSITE numbers and evidently numbers that aren’t even real.
sixth graders are way beyond dealing with just plain numbers. They have PRIME numbers and COMPOSITE numbers and evidently numbers that aren’t even real.
After an
hour of screaming and crying and shouting “When will this ever be used?” the
tween-ager sought help from a much calmer Dr. Hubby while I got chocolate
cupcake number one and tried to breathe normally. Five minutes later Dr. Hubby said he would
assume the supervision of the second grader’s homework AND buy me a condo on
Maui, IF I would continue helping with the sixth grade homework. Cupcake number two!
Math and a
right brained person do not mix. They
are not simpatico. They do not speak the same language, not on the same page, different
worlds. Problem: 8 divided by 2 X (3-2) to the second power
minus 4 = ????? To the math teacher’s credit,
she did provide a mnemonic device to help with tonight’s homework and this right
brained elderly parent. This is
good. I can deal with mnemonics; after
all, I learned to read music with F-A-C-E and Every Good Boy Does Find, at
least the treble cleft part.
To help in solving the problem, she gave us “Pass
the Potatoes My Dear Aunt Sally” which stood for the order of the steps you
follow to solve the problem: Parenthesis, Power, Multiply, Divide, Add, Subtract. “ Ok, get rid of the parenthesis
first so that’s 3-2, which is 1 then exponents ok that’s still one, so on to
potatoes…no that’s Dear… Abby … no wait….” After the second hour my neurotic
device was “Panicked Parent Malfunctioning During Arithmetic Session.” We
needed a break. Chocolate cupcake number
Now with an
additional 1500 calories under my stretch pants and chocolate endorphins
coursing through my brain, I was sure we could finish the assignment before
morning… or I had to bake more cupcakes. I was mumbling “Now that’s 8 divided by 2
cups of flour on the harmonica times 1500 calories to the tenth power…” when I
heard the tweenager say “Never mind, I
got it. While you were licking the icing
off your cupcake, I called my teacher and my study partner. You were doing it all wrong, but thanks
And that’s
when I ate chocolate cupcake number four!
Dear Abby,
Jenny Craig,
middle school,
treble cleft
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